Powering up the Future Competition 2024

Enter now and win prizes valued up to $3000!

Become a Snowy Hydro Futurist!

The competition is designed to ignite students’ interest in STEM focusing on understanding energy conservation as Australia transitions to a renewable future. Secondly, to capture high-achieving STEM students nationally to build connections for Snowy Hydro’s future workforce.

The competition invites you to hypothetically work for Snowy Hydro as a Snowy Hydro futurist. This job requires the participant to investigate what a renewable energy future can look like and through their findings provide a solution to reducing energy emissions.

Competition Details

A completed entry will consist of two parts: 

Part 1: Photo or video of invention/idea 

Part 2: Written or video explanation of invention/idea (1-2 minutes maximum)

Note: Both components can be submitted as one piece


The idea/invention will demonstrate a focus on innovation and creativity, and will be accompanied by an explanation of your idea either written or via video. 

Part 1: Idea/invention – We are looking for innovative, insightful and creative ideas/inventions that explore energy conservation to reduce emissions in a renewable world.

Part 2:  Explanation of idea/invention – The accompanying explanation must be articulated clearly answering the three dot point questions. Explanation to be 1-2 minutes in length submitted either in writing or on video.

  • What is the problem you are addressing?
  • What is your idea?
  • How does it work?


The 2024 competition will be open to students in years 3 to 12 (aged 8 to 18 years) across Australia. This competition will allow participants to take a deep dive into a renewable energy future and explore innovative energy conservation and emissions solutions. There will be two age categories Junior (ages 8 to 12 years old) and Senior (ages 13 to 18 years old)


For this competition, there will be a judging panel and community choice voting. As a result, there will be two winners and two runners up for each age category (Junior and Senior).

Key Dates

Additional Resources