Our Partnerships

Snowy Hydro is committed to supporting the local communities in which we live, work and serve.

Each year we invest millions of dollars in partnerships and sponsorships with not-for-profit organisations. In addition, from time to time we contribute funding to local infrastructure projects which support regional growth and bring economic investment to the communities in which we operate.

Our Current Partnerships

Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering

ATSE is an independent, non-government organisation and charity led by over 900 of Australia’s top scientists, technologists, and engineers, advancing STEM excellence, innovation, and shaping the future through world-class programs.

Clontarf Foundation

Affordable, accessible higher education facilities are incredibly important to rural and regional communities.

Driving Solutions

This is a professionally-delivered program in partnership with local high schools.

Snowy Valleys Sculpture Trail

Created by the team behind Sculpture by the Sea at Bondi and Cottesloe; the 150km Snowy Valleys Sculpture Trail meanders from Adelong to Tooma along the picturesque Snowy Valleys Way. 

Stars Foundation

Stars Foundation uses a highly successful, tailored approach to provide holistic mentoring support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and young women.

Tourism Snowy Mountains

Tourism Snowy Mountains is the peak body for destination marketing and tourism business development in the Snowy Mountains region.

Our Past Partnerships

Country Universities Centre

Affordable, accessible higher education facilities are incredibly important to rural and regional communities.

Snowy Hydro SouthCare Helicopter

Primary sponsor of the Canberra based South Care NFP medical helicopter which covered the whole of southern NSW including to the East Coast, Victorian and South Australian borders. 

Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW

Snowy Hydro and Red Energy support PCYC’s young Indigenous people and provide employment opportunities for at-risk youth.

Steven Walters Children’s Cancer Foundation

Since its inception 15 years ago, Snowy Hydro has been a supporter of the annual ‘Snowy Ride’.

Wellbeing Health In-Reach Nurse

The purpose of the program is to facilitate improved identification and coordination of the response to health, wellbeing and social needs of school-age children and young people as an in-reach service in schools within each of the respective regions.