Over the past 75 years, we have navigated the dynamic energy market landscape to become one of Australia’s leading integrated energy providers.
Our role is to ensure energy security, support the transition to renewables, and increase competition in energy markets. We generate energy that underpins the security and reliability of the National Electricity Market while providing price risk management products for wholesale customers and delivering energy to homes and businesses.
Our role is to keep the lights on. We have combined the power of the Snowy Scheme with gas and diesel-fired peaking generators. In total, we have 16 power stations, plus a pumping station, and have more than 5,500MW of generating capacity across New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.
We have expanded our renewable portfolio to include contracted energy with 10 wind and solar projects.
In 2019 we commenced construction of the Snowy 2.0 project. This pumped-hydro expansion of the Snowy Scheme will link two existing dams, Tantangara and Talbingo, through a 27km underground tunnel and a new underground power station. It is a nation-building project that will underpin Australia’s transition to renewables.
The Snowy Scheme sits in the heart of Kosciuszko National Park. Snowy Hydro manages 6,400 hectares of the park and around 24,000 hectares of freehold land. This includes 600km of foreshore around storages including Jindabyne, Eucumbene and Tantangara.
In addition to our energy operations, we continue to provide critical water services to capture, store and divert water for downstream users, including irrigators and towns in NSW and Victoria.
We also have a significant retail footprint. Through our retail brand, Red Energy we are the fourth-largest energy retailer in the National Electricity Market. These businesses now serve more than 1.3 million customers.
Snowy Hydro is a fully Australian-owned company, incorporated under the Corporations Act (Cth). It is governed by an independent Board of Directors, and operates on a strictly commercial basis. The Commonwealth Government is the sole shareholder of Snowy Hydro Ltd, from which it receives an annual dividend.