


Snowy Hydro measures and publicly reports snow depth at a number of designated snow courses across the Snowy Mountains in NSW, including Spencers Creek. Our main objective for collecting this data is to make operational decisions regarding the management of inflows to the Snowy Scheme.

With our strong commitment to the safety of our people, the frequency of our measurements has varied in recent years. Safety is always Snowy Hydro’s number one priority and we continue to refine and improve our safety practices regarding access to remote sites.

By being more flexible with how we collect data in remote locations, including the regularity and frequency of obtaining snow depth readings, we reduce the need to send staff to remote locations in poor weather conditions. This agility allows us to schedule this work to occur when conditions are safest.

Advances in technology and our improved processes are also reducing reliance on manual snow depth measurements at frequent intervals. 

Snowy Hydro recognises the value of long-term records and issues of continuity will remain front-of-mind with the implementation of any changes. 

This year, Snowy Hydro commenced monitoring in mid-June. We will continue to take readings on an as-needed basis, when it is safe to do so. This may result in less regular updates than have occurred in the past.

Snowy Hydro will continue updating its website after collecting each manual snow depth reading. The latest information can be found here.