
University of Sydney to be powered by 100% renewable electricity new partnership with Snowy Hydro and Red Energy 


 From 1 July 2022 the University of Sydney will be powered by 100 percent renewable electricity. 

The University has signed a five-year contract with Red Energy, backed by the  mighty Snowy Hydro, to source 100 percent of its electricity in NSW from renewable  sources. Once the contract begins, the University’s activities will be powered by solar  energy. 

As well as operations across campuses and University-run student accommodation,  the contract will cover energy supply for Moore College, Sancta Sophia College, St  Andrew’s College, St Paul’s College, the Women’s College and Wesley College. The  positive impact will be in excess of removing 31,200 cars from the road. 

The move brings the University a step closer to its target of net zero emissions by  2030.

Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Mark Scott said the shift to renewable  electricity reflected the University’s deep commitment to a more sustainable future. 

“We are making the move to 100 percent renewable electricity three years before our  target of 2025,” he said. 

“This agreement will power our research and teaching while reducing emissions. We  are delighted to be working together with Snowy Hydro and Red Energy to achieve  the ambitious energy targets set out in our sustainability strategy. 

“We know reducing emissions to combat climate change is a priority for our staff and  students and we are committed to embedding sustainability in every aspect of  University life.” 

Paul Broad, Managing Director and CEO of Snowy Hydro, which owns Red Energy,  welcomed the partnership and the role it will play as Australia’s economy  decarbonises and transitions to renewables. 

“At Snowy Hydro, we have lived, breathed and delivered renewable energy to  Australians through the mighty Snowy Scheme for generations. We are committed to  continuing this legacy and leading the charge to a renewable energy future by  working with large institutions like the University of Sydney. 

“Combining our contracted wind and solar energy with our on-demand hydro assets  allows us to provide reliable and 100 percent renewable electricity to the University.” 

The switch to renewable electricity is one of a range of initiatives under the  University’s sustainability strategy. The institution has committed to sending zero  waste to landfill by 2030 and to the eradication of single-use plastic on campus by  2025. 

The University is working to integrate sustainable practices across operations,  teaching and research, with steps including the Gelion solar smart bench roll-out last  year and the recent installation of a biodigester to process organic waste into  compost. 

How University’s renewable energy supply will work 

Power consumed by the University of Sydney will be matched by generation from a  NSW solar farm or, in certain instances, other renewable facilities in the state. The  associated Large Scale Generation Certificates will be surrendered by Red Energy  to evidence that renewable generation has been exported into the National Electricity  Market at quantities equivalent to the University’s load.