


In 2024, thousands of students across 27 schools will benefit from Snowy Hydro’s Local School STEM Fund program. In its second year, the targeted funding is providing a substantial $220,265.83 across 18 locations in the Snowy Mountains and Cessnock regions of New South Wales.

As part of Snowy Hydro’s ongoing commitment to education, we are supporting a diverse range of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) initiatives in local schools.

Successful funding applications in 2024 include STEM-focused projects such as micro-bit and Smart City Kits, coding kits, a Solar Buddies program, plastics recycling initiatives, STEM excursions, VEX robotics clubs, equipment for race car design, STEM camps and excellence programs.

This year, responding to the resounding success of the 2023 program, Snowy Hydro is extending its STEM funding support to include schools in the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) near where our Hunter Power Project is located. 

With this expansion, we now provide opportunities to schools within Towong, Snowy Valleys, Snowy Monaro, and Cessnock LGAs. This broader reach recognises Snowy Hydro’s commitment to fostering a strong STEM education environment, which is essential for preparing students for future careers in technology, engineering, and renewable energy.

Snowy Hydro CEO Dennis Barnes said the Local School STEM Fund provides opportunities for students to engage in real-world problem-solving that may otherwise not be possible in regional schools.

“We know the more opportunities we can provide for students to experience the hands-on application and diversity of STEM, the more they will appreciate the value of studying the relevant subjects,” Dennis said. “We want to encourage young people to pursue rewarding and fulfilling STEM careers.”

While only in its second year, the Local School STEM Fund has already encouraged collaboration among eligible schools, expanded individual initiatives, and developed local competitions. Snowy Hydro looks forward to fostering further growth and engagement in STEM-related fields, ensuring students have the skills and experiences necessary for their future success.

The next round of the Local School STEM Fund will open in early 2025.

For more information about Snowy Hydro’s Local School STEM Fund, visit

Click here to read the Snowy Hydro’s Local School STEM Fund 2024 report.




More than 60 local year 10 students have participated in a Snowy Hydro careers day at Talbingo and gained insights into exciting career opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). 

Students and teachers from Tumut High School and McAuley College took part in the Snowy STEM Academy initiative, working with engineers, climate scientists, and tradespeople to explore careers in the renewable energy sector.

The group went behind the scenes for an in-depth look at Australia’s largest pumped-hydro facility, Tumut 3 Power Station, and enjoyed a career panel with a question and answer discussion and hands-on activities.

Students also attended elective presentations based on their STEM interests and chose from drone technology, environmental science, trade skills, and engineering options. They even had the opportunity to operate a mini power station.

This STEM-focused initiative reinforced Snowy Hydro’s commitment to supporting regional education and developing the future workforce. 

It showcased the diverse range of careers available in STEM fields, providing real-life tangible outcomes that will help students make informed decisions about their future education and career paths.

“We were excited to open our doors to local students and give them a glimpse into the world of renewable energy and STEM careers,” said Snowy Hydro Area Manager Peter Symons. 

“Snowy Hydro is committed to supporting education and fostering the next generation of STEM professionals and tradespeople.”

Inviting students to experience a working power station aligns with the broader initiatives of the Snowy STEM Academy, which aims to bridge the gap between education and industry, preparing students for future opportunities in the renewable energy sector.Snowy Hydro encourages interested teachers and parents to find out more about the Snowy STEM Academy, by visiting




Following the success of the inaugural Snowy Hydro Local School STEM Fund in 2023, the funding program focused on science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) excursions will run again in 2024. Snowy Hydro will extend the opportunity for Snowy Mountains and Cessnock schools to apply for grants of up to $10,000.

Recognising that today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce, Snowy Hydro plays a pivotal role in supporting teachers and students by aligning educational programs with industry expertise.

Last year these grants provided thousands of students and 18 Snowy Mountains schools – primary and secondary, both public and private – hands-on interactive STEM experiences.

The program is part of Snowy Hydro’s ongoing commitment to local regions, which already supports various STEM initiatives, including a First Nations Science Camp, the development of a robotics club, 3D printers, an aquaponics project and the enhancement of school resources for the next generation of innovators.

Snowy Hydro CEO Dennis Barnes said: “Snowy is dedicated to fostering education opportunities in and out of the classroom and assisting in developing career pathways.
“The funding is just one example of Snowy Hydro’s ongoing commitment to education and development in support of STEM, particularly among our local communities.”

The funding program complements Snowy’s successful Snowy STEM Academy, the annual Science of the Snowy Scheme Competition, and the unique tailored programs for local schools.

Applications for the 2024 Local School STEM fund open Monday 26 February and must be lodged by Monday 25 March.

Local schools can apply for funding of up to $10,000 to support science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) related excursions, student sponsorship, equipment, and camps.

All applications must be completed online via the Snowy Hydro website.

For more information about Snowy Hydro’s Local School STEM fund and to apply visit:


National Science Week Winners


After much deliberation from the judging panel, ten winners of the ‘Science of the Snowy’ competition were announced today.

The winners came from schools across the Snowy Mountains. The calibre and creativity of entries greatly impressed the judging panel which included the Hon Mike Kelly Member for Eden Monaro, Carolyn Ewart, from Country Universities Centre, and Tumut radio personality David Eisenhauer.

Chief Executive Officer, Paul Broad, said it was fantastic to see local children so engaged in science and technology. With more than 40 entries from Batlow to Bombala, the judges had a very tough job selecting the winners.

“Snowy Hydro is a modern and growing business. While some parts of the Scheme are more than 60 years old, we’re constantly upgrading our assets and integrating the latest technology into our operations.

“The level of research and effort that went into the entries shows we have many budding scientists and engineers in our local community.

“It’s great to see curious,young minds and I hope to see some of their names pop up on applications for jobs at Snowy Hydro in the years to come”, Mr Broad said.

Recognition and thanks must go to our judging panel and all the teachers that encouraged their students to enter the competition.

Competition winners: Jamie Jessup, Jackson Trellis, Ashley Lloyd, Dakota Simpson,
Hayley Bell, Sophie Wood, Courtney Bennett, Bridie Hampshire and Tye Gulliford.

Along with the 9 students, the judges also selected the entry from the Batlow Technology School to round out the winners.

Highly commended entries Brandy Cotty, Luke Jones, Taya Douch, Lily Edgecombe, Jemima Merritt, Finn Sullivan and Rachael Babidge.

The ‘Science of the Snowy Competition’ was launched as part of Snowy Hydro’s National Science Week Celebrations. To enter students in years 3-6 in the Snowy Mountains area shared their favorite favourite science, engineering, or technology fact about the Snowy Scheme.

The winners will receive a behind the scenes tour of the Snowy Scheme. Both winning and highly commended entries will be displayed in the Snowy Hydro Discovery Centre in Cooma.


National Science Week Competition


‘The Science of Snowy’

As part of National Science Week this year, Snowy Hydro is running a ‘Science of the Snowy’ competition for Snowy Mountains students in years 3-6.

Paul Broad, Chief Executive Officer, said that National Science Week was a great opportunity for students to learn more about the science and engineering aspects of the Snowy Scheme.

“The construction of the Snowy Scheme was one of the civil engineering wonders of the modern world and from our pioneering past, we have grown into a modern and innovative energy company,” Mr Broad said.

To enter the competition just tell us your favourite science, technology or engineering fact about the Snowy Scheme. Your entry can be in words, pictures, a drawing or even a video.

Mr Broad said his favourite fact is that the Snowy Scheme acts like Australia’s biggest battery.

“While the Snowy Scheme may not look like a typical battery, it acts just like one. In the same way as a battery stores energy, the Snowy Scheme stores water which can be quickly used to create energy when it’s needed”, Mr Broad said.

Each winner will get two tickets to a VIP tour of the Snowy Scheme (including a power station) with some of Snowy Hydro’s very own scientists and engineers.

All winning and highly commended entries will also be displayed in the Snowy Hydro Discovery Centre in Cooma.

The competition is open to students at schools within the Snowy Valleys Council and Snowy Monaro Regional Council regions and in years 3-6.

The ‘Science of the Snowy’ competition opens on 14 August 2017 and closes at 5pm on 22 September 2017. An independent panel of judges will select the winners, with the panel to be announced shortly.

For more information on how to enter and some Snowy Hydro topic ideas visit our NSWk competition page here