


Following the success of the inaugural Snowy Hydro Local School STEM Fund in 2023, the funding program focused on science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) excursions will run again in 2024. Snowy Hydro will extend the opportunity for Snowy Mountains and Cessnock schools to apply for grants of up to $10,000.

Recognising that today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce, Snowy Hydro plays a pivotal role in supporting teachers and students by aligning educational programs with industry expertise.

Last year these grants provided thousands of students and 18 Snowy Mountains schools – primary and secondary, both public and private – hands-on interactive STEM experiences.

The program is part of Snowy Hydro’s ongoing commitment to local regions, which already supports various STEM initiatives, including a First Nations Science Camp, the development of a robotics club, 3D printers, an aquaponics project and the enhancement of school resources for the next generation of innovators.

Snowy Hydro CEO Dennis Barnes said: “Snowy is dedicated to fostering education opportunities in and out of the classroom and assisting in developing career pathways.
“The funding is just one example of Snowy Hydro’s ongoing commitment to education and development in support of STEM, particularly among our local communities.”

The funding program complements Snowy’s successful Snowy STEM Academy, the annual Science of the Snowy Scheme Competition, and the unique tailored programs for local schools.

Applications for the 2024 Local School STEM fund open Monday 26 February and must be lodged by Monday 25 March.

Local schools can apply for funding of up to $10,000 to support science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) related excursions, student sponsorship, equipment, and camps.

All applications must be completed online via the Snowy Hydro website.

For more information about Snowy Hydro’s Local School STEM fund and to apply visit: