


Snowy Hydro is proud to be supporting a Snowy Monaro Regional Council project providing new truck parking bays in Adaminaby.

Six 3-metre wide and 30-metre long sealed parking bays will be built on the Snowy Mountains Highway in Adaminaby, allowing heavy vehicles to safely stop for logbook, food and drink breaks.

Acting Snowy Hydro CEO Roger Whitby said a $188,000 contribution from Snowy Hydro would assist council in delivering an important improvement for the town.

“We are extremely pleased to be partnering with Snowy Monaro Regional Council on the truck parking bays project,” Mr Whitby said.

“There is a lack of heavy vehicle parking areas between Cooma and Tumut, along with increased numbers of heavy vehicles passing through Adaminaby with the Snowy 2.0 project. So this is an opportunity to help with a really good legacy initiative that will benefit the town’s economy,” Mr Whitby said.

“Truck drivers taking a break in Adaminaby on their trips through the Snowy Mountains will have fit-for-purpose, sealed and lit bays to park their vehicles in. 

“This improves safety for them and other road users, and means heavy vehicles will no longer need to park in residential areas of the town.”

The truck parking project, which is being conducted in consultation with Transport for NSW, will get underway early in 2023.

A temporary repair has been carried out to the area in front of the Big Trout statue in Adaminaby for long vehicle parking in the short-term.

In addition to the truck parking initiative, a separate council project will provide permanent parking facilities in Adaminaby that accommodate long vehicle parking for cars towing boats and caravans, along with recreational vehicles.

The two projects are scheduled for completion by April 2024, weather conditions permitting. 

The Adaminaby parking projects are proudly funded by the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery (BLER) Fund, which is part of the $4.5 billion bushfire support program co-funded by the Australian and NSW governments for bushfire recovery, response and preparedness in NSW.




Snowy 2.0 teams are monitoring a surface depression that has emerged above the headrace tunnel at Tantangara.

The integrity of the tunnel has not been compromised, and tunnelling is continuing while work to remediate the surface depression above tunnel boring machine (TBM) Florence is carried out. There is a safety exclusion zone around the surface depression.

Ensuring the safety of the Snowy 2.0 workforce and members of the public is the priority for Snowy Hydro and principal contractor Future Generation Joint Venture. 

The Snowy 2.0 teams are conducting geophysical investigations of the area and continuing grouting operations and probing from the TBM. 

As previously indicated, the ground conditions encountered by the TBMs on Snowy 2.0 have been highly variable, ranging from very loose, sandy ground to extremely hard rock in fluctuating groundwater conditions. 

TBM Florence is transitioning from soft material into harder rock conditions. 




Snowy Hydro is aware of the announcement regarding the financial status of Clough, the Snowy 2.0 Future Generation Joint Venture partner.  

Snowy Hydro notes Clough’s earlier financial disclosure indicates financial issues with projects separate and unrelated to Snowy 2.0. 

As work continues on Snowy 2.0, Snowy Hydro’s first priority is ensuring the wellbeing and continuity of Clough’s workers on the project.

Snowy Hydro welcomes the immediate funding provided by joint venture partner Webuild for the payment of wages to all Clough employees working on the Snowy 2.0 project.

We are working closely with the joint venture to ensure construction on the project progresses smoothly.  

Resolving Clough’s future through the voluntary administration process will take some time and Snowy Hydro will support this process wherever possible.




Snowy Hydro is aware of the announcement regarding the financial status of Clough, the Snowy 2.0 Future Generation Joint Venture partner.

Snowy Hydro notes Clough’s earlier financial disclosure indicates financial issues with projects separate and unrelated to Snowy 2.0.

As work continues on Snowy 2.0, Snowy Hydro’s first priority is ensuring the wellbeing and continuity of Clough’s workers on the project.

We are working closely with the joint venture to ensure construction on the project progresses smoothly.

Resolving Clough’s future through the voluntary administration process will take some time and Snowy Hydro will support this process wherever possible.




Snowy Hydro is celebrating the completion of excavation for its first tunnel for Snowy 2.0, with the Lady Eileen Hudson tunnel boring machine (TBM) reaching the location of the new underground power station cavern.

The 11-metre diameter TBM has excavated 2.85km to create the main access tunnel at Lobs Hole in the Snowy Mountains, where a workforce of more than 2,200 people are building Snowy 2.0 – the 2,000 megawatt pumped hydro expansion of the mighty Snowy Scheme.

Snowy Hydro acting CEO Roger Whitby said the tunnelling achievement was a significant milestone, with Snowy 2.0 set to underpin the nation’s transition to renewables.

“Snowy 2.0 will not only provide on-demand, quick-start generating capacity for the National Electricity Market (NEM), but a massive 350,000 gigawatt hours of energy storage,” Mr Whitby said.

“This is our first new major tunnel excavation in decades, since construction of the original Scheme, and it gives us access to the site where we will create the enormous cavern 800m underground that will house our power station.

“The TBM Lady Eileen Hudson and our teams from Snowy Hydro and contractor Future Generation Joint Venture have done a great job to complete this critical tunnelling task.

“However, there’s no slowing down. Work across the project continues to move ahead rapidly and this tunnel boring machine is now being dismantled so it can be moved to the Talbingo adit where it will be reassembled with some new components for excavation of the 6km tailrace tunnel.”

While dismantling of the TBM conveyor belt gets underway in the main access tunnel, drill and blast activities are ongoing to excavate cross passages and tunnels to gain access to the power station complex, which will include a 251m-long, 52m-high machine hall cavern and 223m-long, 46m-high transformer hall cavern.

The new work fronts associated with the powerhouse will create further employment opportunities on this clean energy mega-project.

The Snowy 2.0 project will link Tantangara Reservoir (top storage) with Talbingo Reservoir (bottom storage) through 27km of tunnels and a power station with pumping capabilities.

This will enable water to be released for energy generation at times of peak demand and then pumped back to the top storage when there is excess renewable energy in the system, ready to generate again.

Main access tunnel fast facts:

  • 10 metres in diameter
  • Lined with 1,422 concrete rings installed by the TBM
  • Rings comprise 12,798 individual segments manufactured locally in Cooma
  • Has four cross-passages linking it to the adjacent emergency, cable and ventilation tunnel
  • Also has four cross tunnels and a turning bay to facilitate construction access around the power station complex
  • Provides pedestrian and vehicle access into the power station



Tunnel boring machine (TBM) Florence continues excavating the Snowy 2.0 headrace tunnel at Tantangara following successful reinforcement works.

As anticipated, the ground conditions encountered by the TBMs on Snowy 2.0 have been highly variable, ranging from soft, sandy ground to extremely hard rock. 

The Snowy 2.0 teams have been working collaboratively to safely navigate the softer ground conditions experienced at Tantangara, including high groundwater inflows.

As part of the tunnelling process we probed in advance of the TBM, identifying the soft ground ahead, and then consulted with our expert design consultants to plan for stabilisation works. TBM Florence has been specifically designed to encounter these variable ground conditions.

Consolidation grouting around the perimeter of the headrace tunnel, and internally, the installation of steel ribs to reinforce the concrete segmental lining in the soft zone, have been carried out to ensure stability and manage groundwater inflows. Additional instrumentation to monitor ground performance has also been installed.  

Successful execution of the reinforcement works by Snowy 2.0 principal contractor Future Generation Joint Venture (FGJV) is enabling the TBM to carefully thrust off the segments and move forward.

Snowy Hydro expects variable and soft ground conditions to occur in sections of the very long 17-kilometre headrace tunnel. Further ground improvement works – a typical tunnelling process – will be carried out where required so the TBM can safely advance.

Snowy Hydro and its Future Generation Joint Venture partners are working towards the successful delivery of Snowy 2.0.

Click here for images of TBM Florence and the reinforcement works.




Snowy Hydro’s Snowy 2.0 precast factory in Cooma has achieved an impressive milestone, with manufacturing completed for all concrete segments that will line the dry access tunnels.

More than 25,000 of these seven-tonne segments have been produced at the Polo Flat factory, which employs 120 people from the 2,100-strong Snowy 2.0 workforce. The segments are being used to line the main access tunnel and emergency, cable and ventilation tunnel at Lobs Hole.

In total, 36,000 or 27% of the 130,000-plus segments needed to line all of the Snowy 2.0 tunnels have now come off the Polo Flat production line, said Paul Broad, Snowy Hydro’s Managing Director and CEO.

“We’re proud to be manufacturing and investing locally, and providing employment opportunities for local people as well,” Mr Broad said. “The precast factory is operated by our principal contractor Future Generation Joint Venture and it is powering along.

“To efficiently and safely produce enough of these massive concrete segments to line the 5.6 kilometres of dry access tunnels is a terrific achievement.”

The factory supports the operation of the three Snowy 2.0 tunnel boring machines, which are excavating 27 kilometres of tunnels from Tantangara Reservoir to Talbingo Reservoir for the Snowy 2.0 pumped-hydro expansion of the Snowy Scheme.

The Polo Flat facility includes a concrete batching plant and segment manufacturing from two automated carousels, producing up to 24 rings, each one made of nine segments, per day.

Many of the raw materials like aggregates and sand are sourced from the local Schmidt Quarries at Mt Mary and Nimmitabel, which is reducing transport time and costs. Concrete is mixed within the batching plant, which is then transferred into the factory and poured into specially-designed moulds. 

With the use of innovative robotics, the moulds progress along the carousel as the segments cure and finish. There is an onsite laboratory and testing to check the quality of every segment produced.

Snowy 2.0 is leading the way in Australia to successfully deploy and use robots to automate the process of demoulding, cleaning and application of the release agent on the moulds, before pushing them through to the next production stage. This has allowed the factory to maintain a safe and low-noise working environment for workers. 

It takes approximately eight to 10 hours to cure and de-mould each segment from start to finish, then they are stored for about two weeks before being transported to site, loaded into TBMs and installed in the tunnels.


  • Number produced = 25,210
  • Distance if all these segments were placed side-by-side = 86.3 kilometres
  • Tonnes of concrete used = 151,260
  • Equivalent rings (nine segments per ring) = 2,802
  • These segments – designed to provide durability under extreme fire loads – have been laboratory tested for fire loads of 1,350 degrees Celsius for up to 120 minutes.

Snowy 2.0 project background: Snowy 2.0 is a nation-building project that will underpin thousands of megawatts of renewables and will continue to keep the lights on for generations to come.

Snowy 2.0 will link two existing Snowy Scheme reservoirs, Tantangara and Talbingo, and its new  power station with six pump-turbines will be located about 800m underground. Water in the top storage will be released for energy generation at times of peak demand and pumped back at times when there is excess renewable energy in the grid, so Snowy 2.0 is ready to meet demand when needed.




Snowy Hydro welcomes the ANAO’s findings that the Company’s governance of the project is effective, with no recommendations raised.

Specifically, the audit concluded that Snowy Hydro has appropriate arrangements in place to govern, monitor and report on the project; including in relation to managing the Engineering, Procurement & Construction contract with our principal contractor Future Generation JV.

From the outset, Snowy Hydro established tailored governance arrangements to oversee the development and implementation of this critical energy infrastructure project.

It is pleasing that the effectiveness of these arrangements have been independently assessed by the ANAO, with no material exceptions identified.

To read the full ANAO report please click here.




With work on Snowy 2.0 powering ahead and three huge tunnel boring machines now in operation, now is a great time for community members to discover more about Australia’s largest committed renewable energy project at local information sessions being held throughout the Snowy Mountains.

Snowy Hydro will host the Snowy 2.0 community information sessions starting from Tuesday 10 May, providing locals with opportunities to be updated, ask questions and provide feedback.

Hear from the Snowy 2.0 project team about:

  • Current project activities and news;
  • Traffic management and road safety initiatives;
  • Accommodation, recreation access and other local issues; 
  • Jobs and training on Snowy 2.0.

Snowy Hydro CEO Paul Broad said construction of the Snowy 2.0 pumped-hydro expansion of the mighty Snowy Scheme was providing significant economic and social benefits right across the region.

“There are 1,800 people employed on Snowy 2.0 and tens of millions of dollars are being invested locally, so it continues to be a very exciting time for communities throughout the Snowy Mountains,” Mr Broad said.

“I encourage everyone to come along to one of our sessions to hear the latest about Snowy 2.0 and learn more about all of the training and work opportunities with the project. 

“We’re keen to hear your views about Snowy 2.0, discuss any local concerns that you may have and answer your questions.”

Run by Snowy Hydro, the sessions will be attended by representatives from Future Generation, the joint venture partnership managing Snowy 2.0 jobs, procurement and subcontracting.

There will be a formal presentation and Q&As at the sessions, plus the chance to speak one-on-one with project team members while enjoying light refreshments. 

Community information sessions schedule:

Date Town and locationTime
Tuesday 10 May 
Wednesday 11 May 
Cooma Ex-Services Club
Adaminaby Bowling Club
Tuesday 17 May 
Wednesday 18 May  
Thursday 19 May
Cafe Nest, Tumbarumba
Club Tumut
Talbingo Country Club



Snowy Hydro and members of the local community have today come together to celebrate the commissioning of the third and final tunnel boring machine (TBM) for Snowy 2.0, Australia’s largest renewable energy project.

The 143 metre-long TBM Florence is one of a trio of technologically-advanced machines excavating more than 27 kilometres of waterway tunnels as part of Snowy 2.0, the huge pumped-hydro expansion of the iconic Snowy Mountains Scheme that is ensuring Australia’s secure and reliable transition to renewables.

Snowy Hydro Managing Director and CEO Paul Broad joined Snowy Mountains community members and representatives from Snowy 2.0 principal contractor Future Generation Joint Venture for a celebration event and ribbon-cutting at Tantangara, where TBM Florence is being launched to excavate the headrace tunnel.

Mr Broad said it was a wonderful experience sharing a significant project milestone with the community, former Snowy Scheme workers and local school children and businesses.

“We want to thank the local community for their support. It’s great knowing that this massive project is delivering thousands of jobs, many training and apprenticeship opportunities for workers, and a major economic boost for the Snowy Mountains region and beyond,” Mr Broad said.

“The progress we’re making on Snowy 2.0 is terrific. The other two TBMs, Lady Eileen Hudson and Kirsten, are already powering ahead excavating the main access tunnel and emergency, cable and ventilation tunnel at Lobs Hole, so we’re delighted to be starting this very long and deep headrace tunnel from Tantangara.

“Watching TBM Florence’s big blue cutterhead spin today alongside people who helped build the original Scheme highlights the pride we at Snowy Hydro have in our pioneering past and how exciting the renewable energy future is with Snowy 2.0.”

There are almost 1,800 people currently working on Snowy 2.0, including hundreds of locals, with the project generating about 4,000 direct jobs and many more in the supply chain.

Snowy 2.0 will deliver 2,000 megawatts of pumping and generating capacity and 175 hours of storage – enough to power 500,000 homes simultaneously – which will underpin thousands of megawatts of intermittent renewables. 

Named after Australia’s first female electrical engineer, Florence Violet McKenzie (1890-1982), TBM Florence is set to excavate 14.9 kilometres of the 17km headrace tunnel. The 11-metre diameter Herrenknecht-designed machine has been purposely designed to manage hazardous dust and poor ground conditions while tunnelling up to 450 metres underground.

TBM Florence was named by local Berridale student Riley Douch as part of the Snowy 2.0 Tunnel Boring Machine Naming Competition, which highlighted ground-breaking Australian women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
For more information about Snowy 2.0 visit




Snowy Hydro has launched a Snowy 2.0 virtual tour, to provide the public with a ‘window’ into the pumped-hydro megaproject’s key construction sites. 

The virtual tour is a web-based platform and is fully optimised for mobile phones – no app download is required. 

People can check out the action, world-class engineering and construction progress through the interactive website application, 3D animations, 360 degree panoramic images and unique video content. 

Snowy Hydro Managing Director and CEO, Paul Broad, said the virtual tour gave viewers a bird’s eye view of Australia’s largest renewable energy project being built in a remote part of the Snowy Mountains.

“You can navigate your own way around the various sites and simply click on the blue information dots to read about the latest Snowy 2.0 construction activities and see all three of the tunnel boring machines,” Mr Broad said.

“It’s a great tool to raise awareness and knowledge of the project among the community and to share the many construction milestones we are achieving together with our principal contractor, Future Generation Joint Venture.”

The Snowy 2.0 virtual tour has been built using the Esri online mapping application ArcGIS, which gives users access to incredibly accurate spatial data and imagery for both desktop and mobile use.

Take the Snowy 2.0 virtual tour here:

Snowy 2.0 project background: Snowy 2.0 will link two existing Snowy Scheme reservoirs, Tantangara and Talbingo, with 27km of waterway tunnels and a power station with six pump-turbines located about 800m underground. Water in the top storage will be released for energy generation at times of peak demand and pumped back at times when there is excess energy in the grid, so Snowy 2.0 is ready to meet demand when needed.   

Snowy 2.o will provide 2,000 megawatts of pumping and generating capacity and 350,000 megawatt hours of storage that will underpin Australia’s transition to a renewable energy future.
For more information about the Snowy 2.0 project, visit




Snowy 2.0, a nation-building pumped-hydro project that will provide Australia with on-demand, clean, renewable energy and large-scale storage, is celebrating its inaugural tunnelling milestone.

The project’s first tunnel boring machine (TBM), the Lady Eileen Hudson, has passed the one kilometre mark of the 2.6km main access tunnel, which leads to the site of the underground power station cavern.

Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor said Snowy 2.0 is going from strength to strength.

“Reaching this critical milestone brings Snowy 2.0 closer to delivering 2,000 megawatts of fast-start, dispatchable energy needed to make our grid secure and keep pressure on power prices for Australian families and businesses,” Minister Taylor said.

“Snowy 2.0 will store the excess energy from Australia’s world-leading levels of household solar and use that energy when the sun goes down, enough to power the equivalent of 500,000 homes for over a week during peak demand.

“The project is providing a major job and economic boom for the Snowy region, building on the great legacy of the Snowy Scheme, a national icon.”

Snowy Hydro Managing Director and CEO Paul Broad said the tunnelling achievement highlighted the Snowy 2.0 project’s outstanding construction progress.

“It’s an exciting time in the mountains with Snowy 2.0 – this is a megaproject that’s on-budget and due to produce first power in 2025 as planned,” Mr Broad said.

“Tunnelling at Lobs Hole is going very well, with about 4,500 concrete segments manufactured locally at our factory in Cooma used to create 500 rings to line the first kilometre of the main access tunnel. In total, around 130,500 segments will be produced for the Snowy 2.0 tunnels.

“We are also getting ready to launch our second TBM, named Kirsten, with our principal contractor, Future Generation Joint Venture.

“The progress being made by the project’s growing 1,400-strong workforce is particularly noteworthy given the very difficult scenarios we’ve faced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and bushfire impacts over the last year and a half.

“It’s particularly good to see the training and upskilling opportunities Snowy 2.0 is providing, creating lots of apprenticeships and giving local people the chance to work on the TBMs.”

There are three Snowy 2.0 TBMs, which will collectively tunnel more than 27km between Tantangara and Talbingo reservoirs. A power station with pumping capabilities will be located more than 800m below ground.

Snowy 2.o’s 2,000 megawatts of pumping and generating capacity and 350,000 megawatt hours of storage will underpin thousands of megawatts of intermittent renewables.