


In 2024, thousands of students across 27 schools will benefit from Snowy Hydro’s Local School STEM Fund program. In its second year, the targeted funding is providing a substantial $220,265.83 across 18 locations in the Snowy Mountains and Cessnock regions of New South Wales.

As part of Snowy Hydro’s ongoing commitment to education, we are supporting a diverse range of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) initiatives in local schools.

Successful funding applications in 2024 include STEM-focused projects such as micro-bit and Smart City Kits, coding kits, a Solar Buddies program, plastics recycling initiatives, STEM excursions, VEX robotics clubs, equipment for race car design, STEM camps and excellence programs.

This year, responding to the resounding success of the 2023 program, Snowy Hydro is extending its STEM funding support to include schools in the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) near where our Hunter Power Project is located. 

With this expansion, we now provide opportunities to schools within Towong, Snowy Valleys, Snowy Monaro, and Cessnock LGAs. This broader reach recognises Snowy Hydro’s commitment to fostering a strong STEM education environment, which is essential for preparing students for future careers in technology, engineering, and renewable energy.

Snowy Hydro CEO Dennis Barnes said the Local School STEM Fund provides opportunities for students to engage in real-world problem-solving that may otherwise not be possible in regional schools.

“We know the more opportunities we can provide for students to experience the hands-on application and diversity of STEM, the more they will appreciate the value of studying the relevant subjects,” Dennis said. “We want to encourage young people to pursue rewarding and fulfilling STEM careers.”

While only in its second year, the Local School STEM Fund has already encouraged collaboration among eligible schools, expanded individual initiatives, and developed local competitions. Snowy Hydro looks forward to fostering further growth and engagement in STEM-related fields, ensuring students have the skills and experiences necessary for their future success.

The next round of the Local School STEM Fund will open in early 2025.

For more information about Snowy Hydro’s Local School STEM Fund, visit

Click here to read the Snowy Hydro’s Local School STEM Fund 2024 report.




Snowy Hydro is proud to announce that 30 local community groups will benefit from $204,000 in funding for Round 1 of Snowy Hydro’s 2024 Community Grants Program. This round attracted a record number of applications, with 89 submissions, highlighting the demand for funding within the local community. 

The successful applications highlight the diversity of the Snowy Mountains region and the range of great initiatives and ideas generated by local community groups. 

These include local events that foster community spirit, race meets to support local community fundraising, equipment for health services and respite housing that enhances well-being, tourism signage to boost the local economy, tree-planting activities that preserve our environment, and solar installations that promote sustainable development.

All these projects align with Snowy Hydro’s four community commitment pillars: education and development, health and wellbeing, regional capacity building, and the environment.

Snowy Hydro CEO Dennis Barnes emphasised the importance of the Community Grants Program in supporting local initiatives.

“The Snowy Hydro Community Grants Program is essential to our commitment to fostering vibrant, resilient communities,” Dennis said.

“By funding these projects, we are helping to build stronger local connections, enhance community health and wellbeing, and promote sustainable development across the region. It’s incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact these grants have on our community.”

The next round of the Community Grants Program will open in September 2024. Snowy Hydro invites all local community groups to apply and share their innovative ideas.

Community groups interested in applying can find more information and application details on our website

Click here to read the Community Grants 2024 – Round 1 report.




The use of high pressure water jets to remove rock impinging on the shield of tunnel boring machine (TBM) Florence at Tantangara is continuing.

This technique, conducted by specialist contractors since 21 May, is working well, with a device mounted on the cutterhead directing a high-pressure water stream at the rock, which breaks apart and disintegrates.

We halted TBM Florence’s excavation of the Snowy 2.0 headrace tunnel in extremely hard and abrasive rock conditions on 16 May. Cutter disks on the edge of the cutterhead wore down very quickly and this, coupled with a curve in the tunnel, caused rock to pinch on the TBM’s shield.

We made the decision to stop tunnelling to ensure we did not damage TBM Florence.

The Snowy 2.0 project teams are monitoring progress of the rock removal so we can restart excavation.

We expect variable ground conditions to continue ahead of TBM Florence in the headrace tunnel, which will connect Tantangara Reservoir with the 2,200 megawatt Snowy 2.0 power station.




In this month’s update, discover what it takes to support a huge construction operation like Snowy 2.0, as we build a 2,200 megawatt pumped hydro power station, more than 27 kilometres of waterway tunnels and other infrastructure.

While drill and blast activities, rock bolting and shotcreting continue underground, excavators work on the intakes and specialist crews operate the tunnel boring machines (TBMs), there are hundreds of people providing critically important support services.

Andrea Musacchio, Services Assurance Manager for Snowy 2.0, takes a look at what goes on behind the scenes of Snowy 2.0.

A major project component is managing truck and light vehicle logistics.

This includes thousands of road safety inspections annually, more than 260 bus trips taking workers to and from site each week and about 780 heavy vehicle movements, such as the distinctive segment trucks carrying locally manufactured tunnel lining segments for the TBMs.

The security team work at the gatehouse controlling site access and scan more than 6,000 people and 3,000 vehicles each week.

There are 20 heavy vehicle convoys a day at Lobs Hole, all managed by traffic controllers.

So far there have been more than 130 escorted loads of very large components delivered to site, some more than 7 metres wide. Few see these loads because they’re completed at night to minimise impact on the local communities and other road users.

The Snowy 2.0 General Services team of 190 people provide support functions that are vital to the day-to-day running of the project.

With a workforce of 3,000 people, many of whom are based onsite, the cleaners are kept busy with almost 2,000 room cleans a week.

 And it’s not surprising that there’s 75 caterers – they’re cooking more than 36,000 meals a week. That’s 17,000 eggs, 900 kilos of bacon and 2 and a quarter tonnes of sliced watermelon, just for starters.

The General Services crew conduct repairs and preventative maintenance around the camp facilities and also provide a site bus service that completes around 1,500 trips a week.

Trainers and fitness instructors help organise sporting competitions and oversee thousands of gym visits every month, while the community team provides workforce engagement and communication. There are also  hundreds of people in offices managing administration, invoicing and documentation, and organising meetings, rosters and site visits.




Snowy Hydro is pleased to release the updated Snowy 2.0 business case presenting the project’s key revenue streams and value to the National Electricity Market (NEM). 

Marsden Jacob Associates (MJA), a long-standing expert in modelling the NEM, was re-engaged in mid-2023 by Snowy Hydro to provide updated NEM modelling as input to the updated business case.

While the economic drivers at the time of the project’s Final Investment Decision (FID) in December 2018 have not changed, there are a number of updates and these include:

  • Revised total cost to complete of $12 billion and a delay to the commercial operation date to December 2028.
  • Delivery of an additional 200 megawatts or 10% capacity; bringing total capacity to 2,200 MW. 
  • Increased Snowy 2.0 generation, reflecting the greater penetration of variable renewable generation (wind and solar).

The value of Snowy 2.0 to the NEM has increased since FID in December 2018, to $3.0 billion from $2.8 billion. Its completion is critical to supporting the NEM’s decarbonisation and reliability targets.

Snowy Hydro has already contracted 1.75 gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar supply which enabled 2.9GW of wind and solar projects. Snowy 2.0 will enable at least another 6GW of renewable energy through its ability to “firm” the intermittent wind and solar energy and transform this energy into cost-effective, reliable electricity supply.

The 350 gigawatt hours (GWh) of energy storage provided by Snowy 2.0 through its pump/generate function provides a meaningful step towards the 640GWh of storage identified by AEMO in its 2022 Integrated System Plan as being crucial to absorbing surplus renewable production and maintaining supply during periods of low renewable output.

Located in the NSW Snowy Mountains, Snowy 2.0 is 57% complete, with a workforce of 3,000 achieving good progress across the construction worksites.

At Lobs Hole, tunnel boring machine (TBM) Lady Eileen Hudson has excavated approximately 2km of the 6km tailrace tunnel, and world-leading TBM Kirsten is about to embark on the Inclined Pressure Shaft (IPS) excavation on a steep uphill drive of 1.6km. Stage 2 drill and blast excavation of the power station caverns continues.

When completed, the machine and transformer halls will form one of the largest and deepest caverns in the world, 800 metres underground.

More than 570,000 cubic metres of material has been excavated at the Talbingo intake – where water will exit the tailrace tunnel into Talbingo Reservoir and enter the tunnel when in pumping mode.

At Tantangara, the intake is three metres away from its fully excavated depth of 55 metres and the tunnel linking the intake and gate shaft is underway. TBM Florence is more than 850 metres into the headrace adit.

With progress slowing in very hard rock, the Snowy 2.0 project team ceased excavation by TBM Florence due to rock pinching on the machine’s shield. A specialist contractor has commenced work using high pressure water jets to remove the rock impinging on the machine’s shield. 

The 28-metre wide headrace surge shaft at Marica is excavated to a depth of 85 metres, on its way to 250 metres. 

The precast factory at Polo Flat, Cooma, is manufacturing concrete tunnel lining segments installed by the TBMs. More than 104,000 have been produced, along with 450 of the 7,000, nine-tonne bespoke segments for the IPS that utilise innovative force activated couplers.

The Snowy 2.0 updated business case was assessed following the revision to the project’s schedule and costs announced in August 2023.

The updated Snowy 2.0 business case is available here.




With progress by tunnel boring machine (TBM) Florence in the headrace tunnel slowing in very hard and abrasive rock on Wednesday 15 May, the project ceased excavation by the TBM on Thursday 16 May due to rock pinching on the machine’s shield. This update on TBM operations was provided within 24 hours of the machine being stopped.

The Snowy 2.0 project team sought immediate advice from a specialist contractor with experience at other Australian projects with the same TBM situation. Today the contractor commenced work using high pressure water jets to remove the rock impinging on TBM Florence’s shield.

Timing for estimated recommencement of excavation will be determined on the successful removal of the rock. 

The next TBM Florence update will be provided in the week commencing Monday 27 May.




Tunnel boring machine Florence has been ramping up excavating the Snowy 2.0 headrace tunnel, recently reaching 12 metres per day for a period.

With progress slowing in very hard rock on Wednesday 15 May, today (16 May) the Snowy 2.0 project team ceased excavation by the TBM due to rock pinching on the machine’s shield.

We are currently investigating the best way to relieve this pressure prior to recommencing excavation.




Snowy 2.0 is a major pumped-hydro expansion of the Snowy Scheme and at Marica, high in the Snowy Mountains, a very wide and deep surge shaft connecting to the Snowy 2.0 headrace tunnel is being built. 

The surge shaft has two key purposes for the operation of a hydro power station: as a water storage and vacuum relief when the power station starts up, and to absorb the momentum of water movement within the headrace when the power station is shut down.

The Marica surge shaft is about 28 metres in diameter and is currently over 80 metres deep.

During its construction the walls of the shaft are supported temporarily by rock bolts and shotcrete and once it is excavated to its full depth of 250 metres, a permanent concrete lining will be installed from the bottom up.

We are excavating the shaft with a number of excavation methods, including using 36-tonne excavators that place loads of material into kibbles. This material is lifted out and dropped into a dump truck.

An integrated work platform and personnel hoist is in the final stages of commissioning to provide worker access now the shaft is becoming very deep.

In the latest project update, civil engineer and Snowy 2.0 project manager, Richard Clarke, details the significant work undertaken constructing Marica Trail to create a new permanent access road into the surge shaft site.

Marica Trail provides safe, all weather access for traffic, including heavy vehicles.

Building in steep terrain was challenging and required specialised rope access workers to install ground support for safety and stability.

The road has been very carefully constructed in a tight envelope. It’s 6.5 km long, with an elevation change of about 320 metres from top to bottom and multiple water crossings have been created, including over the Eucumbene River.

Over at Tantangara, drill and blast excavation to join the intake and gate shaft is underway from both structures. The transition from the intake changes shape as it is excavated to become the connection tunnel to the gate shaft.

At the same time, we have started drilling and blasting from the gate shaft to merge into the headrace tunnel alignment excavated by TBM Florence.

When completed, water will enter the headrace tunnel from the intake, on its way to the power station.

Snowy 2.0 is being engineered to deliver clean and reliable energy storage and generation for the next 150 years. The target date for commercial operation of all units is December 2028, with first power expected in the second half of 2027. 

Update – Thursday 2 May

Reports today that tunnel boring machine (TBM) Florence has stopped tunnelling are incorrect.

TBM Florence remains fully operational and is now more than 800 metres into excavation of the Snowy 2.0 headrace tunnel at Tantangara. The TBM has operated successfully since its restart on 8 December 2023 and has moved through identified soft ground into hard rock. 

The total distance tunnelled by all three Snowy 2.0 TBMs across the pumped-hydro renewable energy project is approximately nine kilometres.

As provided in evidence at two recent Senate Estimates hearings, Snowy Hydro has been investigating options to de-risk the headrace tunnel construction by excavating from the other end. This work remains ongoing.




Snowy Hydro acknowledges and thanks the National Parks Association of NSW’s ongoing attention to matters relevant to Kosciuszko National Park, including the construction of Snowy 2.0.

As a longtime operator of the Snowy Scheme within Kosciuszko National Park, we recognise the park is a sensitive environment with high conservation values that require protection. We continue to seek ways to make positive contributions to Kosciuszko National Park through actions such as road improvements and a $100 million investment to improve the biodiversity and recreational values of the park. 

Snowy Hydro takes its environmental management obligations very seriously and we are absolutely committed to ensuring that the construction and operation of Snowy 2.0 is carried out in a manner that is compliant with all applicable laws and project approvals. 

The NPA refers to Snowy 2.0 environmental management plans, the project’s Independent Environmental Audits (IEAs), and state government compliance actions.

There are six management plans yet to be approved and these relate to the management of environmental impacts during the Snowy 2.0 commissioning and operations phase only, which is a couple of years away, not current construction activities. Despite this, progress of each of these plans is well advanced and are either awaiting input from relevant stakeholder organisations or are being revised following formal feedback. Snowy Hydro is actively engaging with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) on the progress of each plan.

Snowy Hydro undertakes more IEAs than are required under the project approvals due to the sensitive nature of the environment and the scope of the Snowy 2.0 project. Of the 12 non-compliances identified from 372 elements assessed under the most recent IEA,  none caused any actual harm and all are being rectified as a matter of priority.  

The Snowy 2.0 project has been the subject of several compliance actions by EPA and DPHI over the last two years and in each case, important lessons have been learned that have informed improvements to policies, procedures and site practices. Snowy Hydro continues to take these matters very seriously and implement steps to ensure that identified incidents do not happen again. 

Snowy 2.0, a pumped-hydro expansion of the Snowy Scheme, will provide 2,200 megawatts of on-demand, dispatchable energy and almost a week of renewable energy storage to help maintain grid security and reliability while enabling Australia’s decarbonisation.




More than 60 local year 10 students have participated in a Snowy Hydro careers day at Talbingo and gained insights into exciting career opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). 

Students and teachers from Tumut High School and McAuley College took part in the Snowy STEM Academy initiative, working with engineers, climate scientists, and tradespeople to explore careers in the renewable energy sector.

The group went behind the scenes for an in-depth look at Australia’s largest pumped-hydro facility, Tumut 3 Power Station, and enjoyed a career panel with a question and answer discussion and hands-on activities.

Students also attended elective presentations based on their STEM interests and chose from drone technology, environmental science, trade skills, and engineering options. They even had the opportunity to operate a mini power station.

This STEM-focused initiative reinforced Snowy Hydro’s commitment to supporting regional education and developing the future workforce. 

It showcased the diverse range of careers available in STEM fields, providing real-life tangible outcomes that will help students make informed decisions about their future education and career paths.

“We were excited to open our doors to local students and give them a glimpse into the world of renewable energy and STEM careers,” said Snowy Hydro Area Manager Peter Symons. 

“Snowy Hydro is committed to supporting education and fostering the next generation of STEM professionals and tradespeople.”

Inviting students to experience a working power station aligns with the broader initiatives of the Snowy STEM Academy, which aims to bridge the gap between education and industry, preparing students for future opportunities in the renewable energy sector.Snowy Hydro encourages interested teachers and parents to find out more about the Snowy STEM Academy, by visiting




Snowy Hydro continues its strong commitment to supporting local communities by announcing the opening of the first round of funding for its 2024 Community Grants Program. Through this bi-annual program, Snowy Hydro supports not-for-profit organisations and community groups to foster social, economic and regional resilience across the Snowy Mountains.

In 2023, Snowy Hydro proudly provided $300,000 in community grant funding to various projects, including care packs for cancer patients, improvements to the Gudja Gudja cultural reserve, playground equipment, a youth mentoring program, new displays for heritage museums, and support for many local events and festivals.

The Snowy Hydro Community Grants Program attracts numerous applications each round, reflecting the region’s high demand for funding support.

To increase the chances of success, applicants must align their submissions with Snowy Hydro’s four community commitment pillars: education and development, health and wellbeing, regional capacity building, and environment. All applications must address the specified assessment criteria and meet the eligibility requirements.

Funding opportunities are available across the three Local Government Areas (LGAs) where Snowy Hydro operates its hydro assets. Grants of up to $10,000 are on offer to support local projects, festivals, events, and initiatives that contribute positively to the communities of the Snowy Mountains and surrounding areas.

Interested parties are encouraged to submit their applications online through the Snowy Hydro website.

Notably, for the 2024 funding round, Snowy Hydro has introduced a new application system to streamline the process. The grant platform allows applicants to register and have their own dashboard to track the application. Application saving and returning is possible, and additional members of your group can be invited to provide input into the application. 

The deadline for submissions is Sunday, 7 April 2024.

For more information about Snowy Hydro’s Community Grants Program, visit:




A community open day has been held at Tumut High School to celebrate the official launch of the inaugural Stars Foundation Tumut Program, sponsored by Snowy Hydro.

Students, parents, community members and local Indigenous Elders attended the Tuesday 12 March event, along with representatives from the Stars Foundation, Tumut High School, Department of Regional NSW, Snowy Valleys Council and Snowy Hydro.

The partnership will provide long-term improved health, education and employment outcomes for Indigenous girls and young women from Tumut and the surrounding region.

Snowy Hydro CEO Dennis Barnes said the company’s three-year sponsorship for the Stars Foundation Tumut Program continued Snowy’s commitment to initiatives that supported young people’s education and wellbeing.

“There are 39 students involved in the first year of the Stars Foundation Tumut Program and we look forward to engaging with these inspiring young women in a variety of ways, including encouraging their studies in science, technology engineering and maths (STEM) fields.

“We’re keen to highlight the many career pathways with Snowy through work experience, apprenticeships and traineeships.

“Snowy Hydro is a major local employer in the Snowy Mountains region and we are committed to supporting and investing in the success of local people.”
Founder and CEO of Stars Foundation, Andrea Goddard, said: “Stars is delighted to be working with the Tumut community and we welcome the opportunity to support and empower the First Nations Tumut students to identify their goals and reach their full potential.
“We are very grateful for the commitment from Snowy Hydro to enable us to establish this new Stars program for the Tumut community.”
Established in 2015, the Stars Foundation provides a holistic, intensive, full-time mentoring program that supports and empowers more than 3,020 female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and young women in primary and secondary schools across six states and territories.