


Snowy 2.0 today achieved another significant milestone with the Federal Government’s approval for the project’s main works construction. 

The Snowy 2.0 pumped-hydro project is a major expansion of the Snowy Scheme, linking two existing dams, Tantangara and Talbingo, through 27km of tunnels and building an underground power station.

The approval today allows construction to commence on the underground power station, waterways and access tunnels, and other supporting infrastructure.

It follows on from exploratory works, which got underway in 2019 and has included constructing site access roads, establishing a construction compound and excavating an exploratory tunnel.

“This approval marks the next stage in Snowy 2.0’s construction and brings our vision to become Australia’s biggest battery and storage for renewable energy one step closer,” Snowy Hydro’s CEO Paul Broad said. 

“It’s full steam ahead for the Snowy 2.0 project that will pave the way for Australia’s energy transition.

“It also unlocks billions of dollars of investment that will create thousands of jobs over the life of the project and provide a much-needed boost to the local and regional economy, which has been hit by drought, bushfires and COVID-19. 

“Snowy 2.0 is already playing a major part in kick-starting the local economy, with more than 100 local businesses involved and more than $35 million spent in the Snowy Mountains region.

“On completion of the project in 2026, it will provide 2,000 megawatts of new peaking power and firming capacity that will provide clean and reliable energy to millions of Australians.”