


Snowy Hydro’s snow depth measurements in the NSW Snowy Mountains have commenced for 2024, with some changes and improvements to data collection and public reporting.

The first reading for 2024 was conducted on 14 June. Manual readings at Spencers Creek  will occur weekly to fortnightly this winter, with a greater focus on the second half of the season when snow depths are peaking and as the spring snowmelt increases. Manual readings at Deep Creek and Three Mile Dam will be carried out on an as-needs basis and supplemented by automated instrumentation.

Following a rigorous process review and impact analysis, Snowy Hydro is investing in new instrumentation across the Snowy Scheme and can now provide more frequent snow depth readings at a site close to the Spencers Creek snow course. This near real-time snow depth information is available HERE, noting that as an experimental site, there may be gaps in the provision of data at times.

The new equipment can measure snow depths accurately up to 3 metres. We expect information from the site to improve the resolution of our overall data collection.

Snowy Hydro is committed to remaining flexible and exploring new technology to maximise the value of Spencers Creek, which is regarded as Australia’s premier long-term snow record. 

We recognise its significance to scientists and the wider community as an index of environmental variability and change. Indeed, having an understanding of the alpine and subalpine environment is essential to our business operations. 

Safety and operational considerations will remain our highest priority when conducting snow depth measurements. By being more flexible with how we collect data in remote locations, including the regularity and frequency of obtaining snow depth readings, we reduce the need to send staff to remote locations in poor weather conditions. This agility allows us to schedule this work to occur when conditions are safest while also maintaining quality records.