Local School STEM Fund

What is the Local School STEM Fund?

Application for the Snowy Hydro Local School STEM Fund have now closed.

Notification of outcome: by Monday 29 April 2024


What funding is available?

Schools can apply for grants of up to $10,000 to support STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) initiatives and projects.

When can I apply?

Applications have opened on 26 February 2024.

Who is eligible to apply?

Local schools with projects, events or initiatives related to STEM education.
Eligible schools must be located within the Snowy Monaro, Snowy Valleys, Towong or Cessnock local government areas.

What type of grants will not be eligible?

•Private individual or private business activities or recurrent expenses (example: rent, utilities, wages for a business or organisation)
• Funding for council-owned assets or infrastructure
•Applications not aligned with Snowy Hydro’s values or which have direct links to tobacco, illegal drugs, negative impacts on health, or are associated with risk-taking activities
• Requests for retrospective activities or to cover costs associated with making an application

How do I apply?

To apply, applicants must complete the online application form. Please answer all questions in full and provide all supporting documentation.

Applications must be submitted by the closing date.

What criteria will my application be assessed against?

To maintain a consistent and transparent assessment process, all eligible applications will be assessed and rated against
Snowy Hydro’s selection criteria. Refer to Local School STEM Fund guidelines for more details.

I have questions – where do I direct them?

Our Education team welcomes any questions to assist with the application process. To contact our Education team, please email: snowystemacademy@snowyhydro.com.au