Community engagement

Snowy Hydro has sought engagement with a wide range of community and stakeholders as part of the planning and environmental assessment for the Hunter Power Project. Our stakeholders include government agencies, utility and council stakeholders engaged with during the EIS studies. Community engagement during the EIS preparation has included:

  • The establishment of a dedicated email address and 1-800 information line.
  • Letterbox drops and door knocking to local residences and businesses.
  • Three community working group meetings.
  • One-on-one meetings with nearby residents as requested.

Snowy Hydro is committed to ongoing engagement with the local community and stakeholder groups for the duration of the approvals phase of the Proposal and during project development. During the public exhibition of the EIS, the community engagement will be undertaken to ensure a good understanding of the EIS by interested community members. 

If you have questions please do not hesitate to call the community information line: 1800 570 529.

Snowy Hydro Local School STEM Fund

Starting in January 2024, the Hunter Power Project will introduce its Local School STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) Fund to collaborate with local schools. This program will encourage and promote STEM learning in and out of the classroom, while empowering and inspiring our future generations.

The program is an extension of the Snowy Hydro Local School STEM Fund and part of our commitment to maximise our positive impact within the community. Snowy Hydro is committed to fostering the next generation of innovators through providing equitable and accessible learning opportunities. 

The Local School STEM Fund is the evolution of the previously delivered Community Investment Fund, which awarded over $175,000 across 39 different community projects in the Cessnock and Maitland Local Government Areas.

Stay tuned for updates on how you can engage with the Local School STEM Fund over the coming months. Applications are due to open in early 2024.

About the Hunter Power Project

The Hunter Power Project – a 660MW gas-fired power station in Kurri Kurri, NSW – will build on the existing capacity of the mighty Snowy Scheme and support our pumped hydro expansion, Snowy 2.0. The power station will comprise two heavy-duty, hydrogen-ready open-cycle gas turbines (OCGT) and are the latest and most efficient turbines. The OCGTs for the Hunter Power Project will provide the necessary dispatchable ‘firmed’ energy, ensuring security and stability to support intermittent renewables.

Community Newsletters

HPP Community Newsletter – June 2023