Commercial & Industrial (Large Customers)

We provide energy solutions delivered with passion, expertise, and decency.

Snowy Hydro’s Commercial and Industrial Business (C&I) is proud to support customers on their decarbonisation journey by retailing market-leading renewable energy products. The C&I business, delivered through our new C&I brand Snowy Energy, provides electricity and gas products to large Australian businesses across the National Electricity Market (NEM). Our C&I customers have large energy usage, generally more than 40GWh of electricity and/or 10TJ of gas annually.  

Our customers include some of Australia’s largest shopping centres, universities, banks and property managers. 

Sustainability and our Commercial
and Industrial Business

Our C&I renewable energy product sales displaced
880 ktCO2e from the NEM in FY23.

Our C&I business enables Snowy to enter into Power Purchasing Agreements (PPAs) with wind and solar developers/investors. These long-term agreements, some up to 25 years, provide financial security to investors to develop more renewable projects contributing to a diversified and resilient energy landscape in Australia. 

Snowy’s wind and solar PPAs further diversify the energy grid, contributing to a reliable and resilient power supply. We are reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and helping Australia transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

We have directly procured 1,674 MW of solar and wind through PPAs, equivalent to displacing ~4.8 million tonnes of CO2 annually from the NEM. 

Through our assets and investments in dispatchable capacity, we are enabling more than 20% of additional wind, solar and hydro generation in the NEM. The new wind and solar generation we are enabling is equivalent to displacing more than 33 million tonnes of CO2 annually. This equates to a 28% reduction in NEM emissions from 2022 levels and approximately 13% of Australia’s total emissions reduction target for 2030.

Our Service

We provide our customers with expertise to support them in transitioning to renewable energy and lowering their carbon footprint. 

Our customer operations are entirely managed in-house. This is to ensure our dedicated Melbourne-based C&I Operations Team can deliver an excellent customer service experience. Through our service, we make sure our customers have an easy transition as they pursue net zero.

As a part of our customer service, you will be assigned a dedicated account manager to work with your procurement and sustainability team.

Our Products

We offer innovative, market-leading renewable products and propositions.

Snowy’s TrueGreen™  product is 100% renewable energy from our portfolio of wind, solar and our Hydro Electric Scheme, matched with 100% Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs). 

NetZeroMatch ™ is 100% renewable sourced energy, matched with the mandatory LGCs (18.96% in 2023) with the remaining renewable energy matched with International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-RECs).

I-RECs can help businesses achieve their renewable energy commitments to transition to 100% certified renewable electricity as an economical alternative to purchasing 100% LGCs. Learn more about I-RECS:


Power Purchase Agreements 

Combining solar and wind energy with our on-demand hydro-electricity allows us to offer our C&I customers reliable and clean energy. Snowy has directly procured 1,674 MW of new renewable energy, with long-term offtake contracts in place for wind and solar projects across Australia. This provides our offtake counterparts with the certainty they need to invest in renewable industrial-scale wind and solar energy.

Our Partners

We look at customers as our partners. We will work with you to identify opportunities for initiatives that support your business to reduce your carbon footprint.

The University of Newcastle TrueGreen ™ partnership
The University of Sydney TrueGreen ™  partnership

Our Customer Feedback

Providing expertise to our customers and understanding their business is key to what we do. We ensure we understand your business and provide innovative, market-leading renewable products and propositions to support your business. 

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