


Thinking about applying for an apprenticeship or traineeship at Snowy Hydro? Come along to a community drop-in session at the Snowy Hydro Discovery Centre in Cooma on Saturday 8 May for more information!

Year 12 students considering a traineeship, their families and prospective apprentices of all ages can ask questions to find out more about the Snowy Hydro 2022 Trainee and Apprentice program in one convenient spot.

The session, which runs from 9am to 11am, complements the school presentations conducted throughout the Snowy Mountains region and provides additional opportunities for the community to learn more about Snowy Hydro’s annual apprentice and trainee intake.

Applications for a 2022 Snowy Hydro traineeship or apprenticeship are open now. Visit and apply by Friday 28 May 2021.

Snowy Hydro Managing Director and CEO Paul Broad, said a Snowy Hydro apprenticeship or traineeship combined paid, on-the-job experience with vocational education and training.

“We’ve been running school-leaver programs for 31 years and we’re going to keep investing in locals and the future workforce because it’s a win-win for all,” Mr Broad said.

“We’re equipping the region’s next generation with job-ready skills and qualifications, and Snowy Hydro benefits by developing a pipeline of highly-trained staff, which is critical to ensure we have a skilled workforce in the future.”

Snowy Hydro traineeships and apprenticeships can lead to longer-term roles with the business, as well as further training, university, or jobs with other employers. 

Information technology trainee Maria Tarasyuk completed her two-year Certificate III early, and has taken up a new year-long contract while she completes a software engineering degree at university. “I feel like I’m learning twice as much because I learn in both environments and I can apply it in real life at Snowy Hydro,” Maria said.


This program provides a four-year apprenticeship with Snowy Hydro while completing either a Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade (Fitting/Machining), or Certificate III Electrotechnology Electrician Electrical Trade through Wagga Wagga TAFE.

During the apprenticeship there is on-the-job training and mentoring by experienced tradespeople in an exciting and unique work environment.

To ensure apprentices develop a wide range of skills, they rotate through the Snowy Scheme’s operating and maintenance centres in Jindabyne, Khancoban, Cabramurra and Talbingo.  


Traineeships are available to students who are in year 12 this year, in a range of business areas, including information technology, energy generation and asset management, communications, human resources, finance, community relations, Snowy 2.0 and procurement.

During the year-long program, trainees complete a Certificate III and IV in Business Administration or Certificate III in Information Technology through Cooma TAFE, paired with on-the-job training and mentoring by experts. The trainee intake also feeds into our cadetship program, in which Snowy Hydro sponsors cadets to study a relevant STEM degree at the University of Wollongong.