
Polo Flat segment factory for Snowy 2.0 brings local jobs and investment


The NSW Government today approved the Polo Flat segment factory Environmental Impact Statement giving a green light for construction to start.  

The factory in Cooma will produce 130,000 segments that make up the concrete rings that will line the 27km Snowy 2.0 tunnel. 

 “We fought hard to build the factory locally rather than importing segments from overseas or interstate because it means local jobs, opportunities and investment,” CEO Paul Broad said. 

 “During the five month construction period we will invest $55 million and create 30 jobs. 

 “When it is operational it will have an annual turnover of $115 million and create 125 operational jobs. 

 “We will also be working with Monaro High School to pilot school-based trade training.

 “I want to thank the NSW Government who prioritised this announcement during what is an incredibly difficult period.”

 Approximately 500 people are already working Snowy 2.0, and at its peak the workforce will be at around 2,000 people. 

 Thousand more jobs will be created indirectly through supply chains and support services.

 “2020 has been an extraordinarily difficult year for Australia, particularly the local area. First we had the devastating bushfires and now COVID19,” Mr Broad said. 

 “At times like this we need to continue to drive jobs and investment. That is why we have been so determined to ensure Snowy 2.0 continues full steam ahead. 

 “Today’s announcement that we are starting construction on the Polo Flat segment factory is just another piece of the puzzle. 

 “The Snowy Mountains is an extraordinarily strong and resilient community. It will bounce back, and Snowy Hydro will be there every step of the way.”