
Statement from CEO Paul Broad on COVID-19 case


As a provider of essential services we are well prepared to operate through COVID-19.  For weeks now we’ve had extensive measures in place to keep the lights on and progress Snowy 2.0 as safely and responsibly as possible.

On Thursday last week we were notified of a positive COVID-19 test result involving a Snowy Hydro employee who went immediately into self-isolation after returning from an overseas holiday.

As per Snowy’s strict and proactive COVID-19 protocols, the individual went into self-isolation immediately upon returning to Australia and did not come into contact with anyone. The employee was later tested following the development of a mild cough.

NSW Health Department has concluded that the employee has not transmitted the virus to any other person. In this case, the risk measures implemented by Snowy Hydro weeks ago were very effective and the staff member will remain in isolation until he is medically cleared.

Snowy Hydro continues to strictly enforce all of its COVID-19 safety and risk measures. We are operating at full capacity, Snowy 2.0 is full steam ahead and we continue to invest locally, supporting jobs and working with local businesses and suppliers.