
Snowy Hydro is summer ready


Snowy Hydro is in a good position to meet the energy needs of our customers this summer.  The Snowy Scheme has experienced some good water inflows over recent months, with decent rain topping up our water storages.

Snowy Hydro’s CEO, Paul Broad said that for more than 65 years the company had successfully managed the Scheme through periods of high inflows and very severe droughts.

“Over winter and spring, about 1,200 gigalitres of water has reached the Scheme, which is enough to fill Sydney Harbour more than twice.

“We know how to best manage and use our water and we have been conserving water over the last six months to ensure we’re ready to go this summer.

“Snowy Hydro constantly monitors inflows and weather forecasts to plan for current and future operations to balance short and long-term energy and water needs.”

Lake Eucumbene is the Scheme’s largest storage and plays an important role in regulating highly variable inflows over years and decades. It rises and falls over much longer periods than many of our other reservoirs. Lake Eucumbene is situated in the middle of the Scheme, giving us plenty of flexibility to store and move water around.

Snowy Hydro will also continue to make downstream water releases in compliance with our water licence for farmers and environmental flows.

This summer, like decades of summers before, we’re ready to keep the lights on. We’re able to respond to the market’s needs to help provide stable, reliable and affordable energy over the coming months.