
Snowy 2.0 Declared Critical State Significant Infrastructure


Snowy Hydro welcomes the New South Wales Government’s decision to declare Snowy 2.0 as a Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI) project.

The declaration signifies the critical role that the Snowy 2.0 project, together with the upgrades to the NSW transmission network, will play in providing reliable energy and large-scale storage to NSW as we transition to a low emissions economy.

Snowy 2.0’s generation and large-scale storage capabilities, along with the existing Snowy Scheme, will continue to underpin the stability and reliability of the NEM as more intermittent renewables enter the market.

The CSSI declaration is not final approval for the project.  It is a framework that sets out the robust environmental assessment and approval process that is required for the Snowy 2.0 project.

Paul Broad, CEO of Snowy Hydro said that the CSSI declaration gives the company a very clear and transparent process to follow.

“Like any other project, we are preparing comprehensive Environmental Impact Statements which will include a range of scientific and technical studies to be carefully scrutinised by the NSW Government.

“We have the greatest respect for the Kosciuszko National Park. It’s  our backyard and for almost 70 years we have been excellent responsible environment managers operating the existing Scheme across the region.

“The project’s design is being done in a way that minimises its environmental footprint.  This includes putting the majority of the physical structures, such as tunnels and the powerstation deep underground”, Mr Broad said.

The EIS will detail the components of the project, the potential environmental, social and economic impacts of Snowy 2.0 and how to best manage them.  As part of the EIS, we will undertake thorough community consultation so that the wider community can have input into the process. The EIS will also be published for public comment.

Under the CSSI process and in accordance with the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Snowy Hydro will submit an EIS for assessment by the Department of Planning and Environment, in consultation with other key agencies such as the National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Environment Protection Agency.