
Independent expert report for Snowy 2.0 released


As part of the feasibility study for the Snowy 2.0 project, an independent expert economic analysis of the changing energy market was commissioned and has now been released.

The report, conducted by Marsden Jacob Associates (MJA), considered the state of the market “with or without” Snowy 2.0.  This information and analysis was critical for factoring in the market scenarios and public benefits of the project.

Key findings of the MJA report confirm that Snowy 2.0 would:

  • Lead to better price outcomes for retailers, customers and large energy users.
  • Help future proof the National Electricity Market at the least possible cost against the intermittency of wind and solar generation as they continue to grow their market share.
  • Build on the Snowy Scheme and see greater utilisation of existing dams and increase operating capability.

This expert report follows the release of the 700 page Snowy 2.0 feasibility study, which Snowy Hydro published last December.

Snowy Hydro would like to acknowledge the contribution of Australian Renewable Energy Agency to this report.

The report is available at: