Tumut 3 Power Station Community Open Day

Snowy Hydro will host an open day at Tumut 3 Power Station on Saturday, 2 November 2024 to celebrate 75 years of the Snowy Scheme.

We encourage the local community and visiting public to attend. The day aims to provide insights into Snowy Hydro’s proud history, our current operations and our plans for the future.

What to expect:
Tours of Tumut 3 Power Station – limited availability. Ensure you register early
Bus tours to Talbingo Reservoir and the top of Tumut 3 Penstocks
Fun and educational activities hosted by the Snowy STEM Academy
Food and coffee by local vendors available for purchase
A range of activities and entertainment throughout the day

Stay tuned to this webpage and our Facebook event page for the latest information.

Event details

Date: Saturday, 2 November 2024
Venue: Tumut 3 Power Station, Talbingo NSW
Entry is free. Registrations are essential to secure your place in one of the tours.

Get in touch

For more information about the Tumut 3 Community Open Day please contact the Community team on

Tel: 1800 623 827

Email: community@snowyhydro.com.au