


A community open day has been held at Tumut High School to celebrate the official launch of the inaugural Stars Foundation Tumut Program, sponsored by Snowy Hydro.

Students, parents, community members and local Indigenous Elders attended the Tuesday 12 March event, along with representatives from the Stars Foundation, Tumut High School, Department of Regional NSW, Snowy Valleys Council and Snowy Hydro.

The partnership will provide long-term improved health, education and employment outcomes for Indigenous girls and young women from Tumut and the surrounding region.

Snowy Hydro CEO Dennis Barnes said the company’s three-year sponsorship for the Stars Foundation Tumut Program continued Snowy’s commitment to initiatives that supported young people’s education and wellbeing.

“There are 39 students involved in the first year of the Stars Foundation Tumut Program and we look forward to engaging with these inspiring young women in a variety of ways, including encouraging their studies in science, technology engineering and maths (STEM) fields.

“We’re keen to highlight the many career pathways with Snowy through work experience, apprenticeships and traineeships.

“Snowy Hydro is a major local employer in the Snowy Mountains region and we are committed to supporting and investing in the success of local people.”
Founder and CEO of Stars Foundation, Andrea Goddard, said: “Stars is delighted to be working with the Tumut community and we welcome the opportunity to support and empower the First Nations Tumut students to identify their goals and reach their full potential.
“We are very grateful for the commitment from Snowy Hydro to enable us to establish this new Stars program for the Tumut community.”
Established in 2015, the Stars Foundation provides a holistic, intensive, full-time mentoring program that supports and empowers more than 3,020 female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and young women in primary and secondary schools across six states and territories.