


Snowy Hydro and Red Energy are proud to announce the sponsorship of the Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation category in the Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Tidy Towns & Sustainable Cities Awards. 

Keep Australia Beautiful NSW is a national non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting litter prevention, environmental sustainability and community engagement. 

Snowy Hydro CEO Dennis Barnes said the company’s sponsorship of the KAB NSW Tidy Towns & Sustainable Cities Awards would help increase awareness about how Snowy is supporting the transition to renewables in Australia. 

“We are proud to have lived, breathed and delivered renewable energy to Australians through the mighty Snowy Scheme for generations,” Dennis said. “We are committed to continuing this legacy and enhancing it.

“The combined Red Energy and Snowy Hydro support for the KAB partnership continues our consistent commitment to sustainability and the communities in which we live and work.”

Through its programs and campaigns, Keep Australia Beautiful NSW inspires individuals and communities to take action in preserving and enhancing the natural and built environments.

The Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Tidy Towns & Sustainable Cities Awards celebrate the achievements of communities that demonstrate outstanding environmental practices, social inclusivity, and economic viability. By sponsoring the Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation category, Snowy Hydro and Red Energy aim to encourage and motivate communities to take proactive measures towards climate resilience and a clean energy future. 

This category focuses on recognising and rewarding local initiatives that address the challenges posed by climate change. These include the involvement of government and non-government organisations, community groups, businesses, schools, and individuals across NSW focusing on projects like renewable energy, enabling communities to adapt to a changing climate, and community engagement. 
For more information about the Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Awards and the Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation category, please visit KAB NSW Sustainability Awards website.