


The second of two generator stators that will power Snowy Hydro’s Hunter Power Project has arrived onsite at Kurri Kurri after its journey from the Port of Newcastle late last night.

The 150-metre-long convoy containing the 314-tonne generator stator left the Port of Newcastle at 9pm on Saturday evening and arrived at the Kurri Kurri site at 2am on Sunday, where it was unloaded and positioned for installation.

The convoy included six prime movers, four police escort vehicles and four pilot vehicles.

The first generator was transported two weeks ago and travelled the same route to Kurri Kurri from the Mayfield berth, via Industrial Drive, Maitland Road, Newcastle Inner City Bypass and the Hunter Expressway.

The two generator stators were prepared for transportation at the port over a period of two days after arriving from Japan late last year and earlier this year.  When installed, the generators will spin from the power of the two open cycle gas turbines (OCGTs), which in turn will generate the 660 megawatts of electricity the Hunter Power Project is delivering for the National Electricity Market.

Snowy Hydro CEO Dennis Barnes said this project milestone was the result of months of meticulous planning from the Hunter Power Project team.

“Moving these two large components of the power station to our construction site required many months of work and liaison with the Port of Newcastle, the team at Mitsubishi in Japan, and local engineered transportation company Rex Andrews.

“Investment in dispatchable generators like the Hunter Power Project is vitally important as Australia transitions to renewable energy, which will ultimately benefit the environment and future generations,” Mr Barnes said.

The Hunter Power Project is expected to be operational by 2024.