Education Hub

Science of the Snowy Scheme with Kirsten Banks

Kirsten Banks is a Wiradjuri astrophysicist, science communicator, Snowy 2.0 tunnel boring machine (TBM) namesake and is a brilliant inspiration to the next generation in STEM.

Students can explore the science of the Snowy Scheme through this 10-part video series hosted by Kirsten Banks and complete curriculum-aligned activity sheets for each of the listed subject areas.

To get started, click on the topic you wish to explore in the map below.

It is recommended that you begin with the ‘Snowy Scheme’ module which provides foundational learning for the remainder of the subject areas.

Snowy Scheme Y ou need ene r g y t o ma k e ene r g y W e a the r G r a vit y Cloud seeding Dam i n f r astructu r e W a t e r S TEM ca r eers Pumped- h y d r o Going underground